Honor the Past. Celebrate the Present. Embrace the Future.

INTENTION: I am mindful daily of honoring the past, celebrating the present, and embracing the future.

As you look to the new week that you will make for yourself, be mindful to honor, celebrate, and embrace life. For many people, history is complicated. How do you find the balance between honoring the history and uplifting today’s trailblazers, acknowledging past hardships, and looking ahead to the creation of brighter days? Taking a thoughtful look at the way our framing of history impacts our outlook on individuals and efforts today is an important task and one we all should be committed to upholding when examining personal history, culture, conversations, and future impacts. How do you teach people to honor their past, celebrate their present and look to their future with joyful anticipation?

Honor the Past. The past is our history. It is the vehicle that has transported us to this moment. Seek to understand and respect your past. There are moments, events, people, and issues that may be troubling at best and traumatic at worst. “Honoring” in this context means recognizing that those experiences have shaped the person you have become. The past should not be an excuse—nor should it be a shackle. It happened; it cannot be undone. We all have our 'something' in life that shapes our path. Some face their challenges and come out stronger, wiser, and more aware while others get weighed down like an anchor and can never get past them. We honor the past so we can grow from it, not be stuck in it.

Celebrate the Present: The present is all we truly have. While there is wisdom in preparing for the future, we can get lost in it and miss what we are truly experiencing. The present is our time to live and coincidentally create our evolving history. When we hold on to the past (going beyond honoring to “stuck in the past”) it robs us of our present.  When we live in the future, we vacate the present.  We cannot get the present back. The time for life is today. Living in the present moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It is living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe anchors you right here, right now, and to the gift of life.

Embrace the Future: For some, the future is scary. For others, that unknown is cause for excitement rather than trepidation. There is, to be sure, a practicality in looking to the future. It is important to anticipate, explore, and chart the paths toward many possible futures. Embracing the future means facing change. It means engaging and grappling with it because studying history can contribute meaningfully to contextualizing and shaping change. Instead of worrying about life and what it has in store for you, throw your hands up in the air, let out a big WHOO HOOO, and enjoy the ride.

Try this Reflection:

Sit back, breathe, and become aware of your body's weight in your chair or on the floor. Feel the floor beneath your feet and listen to the sounds of nature around you. Take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose. Invite your mind to quiet and allow your body to relax to the rhythm of your breathing to anchor you to the present moment. Take a few moments to simply be, centering yourself and listening within.

Notice your feelings and your emotions - how are you feeling at this very moment?  Note any needs, desires, fears, tensions, or frustrations that float into your mind. Then, ask yourself:

What are your most significant milestones this half of the year?

What defined them?

What brought you the most joy and equally, what was the cause of your sorrow?

What changed you so far this year and why?

What did you learn?

What has been missing?

By pausing and being present you automatically create some space between your thoughts.  That space expands your awareness and opens a moment of choice to embrace new beginnings:

What do you want for yourself for the rest of the year?

What learning opportunities await you?

What will you embrace more of?

What will you let go of?

What do you want to be different for the rest of the year?

Embracing the future and new beginnings opens the door to greater awareness of your potential. By stepping into the future, fully at peace with the past, you create the space for further self-discovery and growth:

How do you want to be/show up in your personal, family, and professional life?

How do you want to be perceived?

What is that asking of you?

Pausing, breathing, and coming to the present allows you to see and embrace the moments of choice you have today.

Our wish for you is to practice presence (yoga is a good tool), collect wisdom from the past, and mindfully use these experiences to create a brighter future.

Love & light,

Jeanne & John Adams