The Power of the Pause

Feel yourself breathe, the smooth flowing inhalation, the smooth flowing exhalation. Be aware of the transition where the inhalation becomes the exhalation and the exhalation becomes the inhalation.

This transition is what I often refer to as the pause of awareness.

The pause of awareness is where we absorb the benefit of previous action and flow smoothly into the next action. It is where we absorb and honor the fresh life energy of the inhalation and let go and honor what no longer serves us with the exhalation.

The pause of awareness, where what was becomes what is and what is flows into what will be.

In awareness, we let the experiences of past become the base of the present. We release the labels of good and bad. Everything we have learned and experienced becomes a brick in the foundation of who we are.

Awareness is the pause, the mortar that unconditionally holds the bricks together without judgment. The base of our present is strong yet flexible enough to absorb the ever-shifting vibrations of life-in-action. From the clarity of our base we choose the actions of our present that will help shape our future.